12 February 2009

Senator Gregg gets a spine

NPR is reporting that Judd Gregg is withdrawing his name as the nominee as Secretary of Commerce, 'citing "irresolvable conflicts" with President Barack Obama's handling of the economic stimulus and 2010 census."' Sen. Gregg, we're proud of you.

In particular, the Senator has been known to be uncomfortable with the gigantic spending bill otherwise known as a stimulus, and abstained from the vote yesterday. Given the continued widespread opposition to the frivolous spending provisions in the bill, it's not surprising that any Republican would be concerned about taking on this particular position, but it's gratifying that the senator was willing to take a public stand.

Almost as important in the long run, is the power grab by the White House, which is attempting to move control of the census from Commerce to the White House. Some have speculated that part of this move was due to the nomination of Sen. Gregg to Commerce, but the White House has yet to make any announcement reversing its position.

Given the Gov. Richardson withdrew under a cloud last month, one wonders if President Obama will be able to fill this position anytime soon. Since he's now 'met' his promise of a bipartisan cabinet, he may feel no obligation to select another Republican.

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