13 April 2009

The UN Security Council Speaks - Big Whoop-Dee-Dee

The UN Security Council has decided that in lieu of actually taking real action against North Korea, it will tell UN members to 'tighten sanctions.' What makes them think the UN members will do anything about this when so many have refused to enact the sanctions already in place? According to a BBC article:

"The Security Council condemns the 5 April 2009 launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which is in contravention of Security Council resolution 1718 of 2006," said Claude Heller, the Mexican president of the Security Council.

The statement also ordered the UN Sanctions Committee to begin enforcing both financial sanctions and an existing arms embargo against North Korea.

UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the council's move, saying it sent "a unified message".

But the BBC's Matthew Price at the UN says it remains to be seen how far member states will go to enforce the sanctions.


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