15 July 2009

Pay Us to Outcompete You (No, You Can't Recoup the Cost)

I don't claim to know the best way to reform the health care system, although I'm pretty sure tort reform should be a big part of it, but I do know this is the wrong way.
'WASHINGTON, July 15 (Reuters) - A group of Democrats on the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday called for health insurers to pay fees worth up to $100 billion over a decade to help pay for the overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system. The proposed fees are among the options being discussed by the committee, Senator Charles Schumer told reporters at a briefing with fellow committee Democrats Debbie Stabenow, Robert Menendez and Jay Rockefeller. ... Schumer said an effort would be made to prevent insurers from passing the costs along to consumers.'

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