28 September 2008

Roots of a crisis

This first link will take you to the side-by-side comparisons from Rep. Blunt's office of the bailout package changes: http://www.dcexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/TapscottsCopyDesk/Comparison_of_original_Paulson_bailout_to_compromise_proposal.html

The second link is for House hearings from 2004 where the GOP was calling for new and stiffer regulation of Frannie & Freddie and the Dems were defending them against all comers:

Remember, Sen. Dodd - #1 recipient of money from Freddie & Fannie. Sen. Obama - #2 with only 2 years in the Senate. Frank Raines is now on Obama's staff.

How many times will we allow them to mess with our markets and our money?

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